Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Well, yesterday was an okay day!  My co-workers helped me refuel my flame to become apart of Corporate America.  We bounced off ideas of how to land a job.  We actually seem to have the same ideas.  I constantly update my resume on all sites.  I am not sure if I'm missing something in my pursuit for my dream job.  I am not sure what to think and or what to expect.  I pray for the best!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Okay, I started my day applying for a job before I even rolled out of bed.  I'm praying that today is a great day for me!  I'm not sure what will come of this, but I pray for my dream job.  Dream's funny how I decided what my dream job would be.  It was a combination of many things. At first, I wrote a list of pros and cons of a job.  Then I researched jobs that would allow me to do the things I wanted/liked to do.  Through the process of elimination I arrived at a HR career.  I guess it's not a career until it though.   I even broke it down further as a HR Recruiter because I love to travel.  Many times I have heard one must love what they do in a career.  So, I am now starting my journey to my dream career!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Okay, I have made the commitment to become apart of Corporate America. I have my sites set on a HR position.  Trying to get my feet in the door has proven to be easier said than done.  I guess we will see what happens in the future!  If anyone has any tips please let know...